It’s entrepreneurship in already established companies or operations. Employee driven innovation in other words. It’s:
In order to innovate smarter and faster. In times of crisis, or a pandemic like Corona, this really shows us how real uncertainty feels like. Corona teaches us that we really need to use our employees in a better and more creative way. We need to have employees with intrapreneurial skills and mindset, who can think and act by themselves, take initiatives and can contribute to foreseeing what the company should improve. So with intrapreneurship you will get more competitive companies, more innovations, more engaged employees and become more attractive as an employer – not to forget.
So, the researchers want to see more employee-driven innovation. The employees want to act more like entrepreneurs. And companies need to become more innovative. What’s the sweet spot here?
Well, the solution is spelled intrapreneurship.
By combining entrepreneurship with employment, you can meet both the management’s need to solve complex challenges/steer the company – and at the same time meet the employees’ need of being able to act as an entrepreneur.